Drew Overbeck. Marketing Maverick.

Drew Who?

Drew Overbeck Thanks for stopping by. Whether it's your first time visiting my site, or if this is the one-millionth time you and I have interacted, I welcome you to our RELATIONSHIP.

A relationship is defined as the way in which two or more people or organizations regard and behave towards one another. I know. It's fascinating isn't it? Why are you reading about RELATIONSHIPS? Because I consider myself a pretty good relationship guy and no I'm not a family therapist or a Dr. of Dating.

I'm a marketing professional.

Throughout my career, I've helped individuals and organizations manage how they regard and behave towards other people and other organizations. Some of these individuals and organizations are local to Cincinnati while others are global.

I've helped build new relationships and manage existing ones. I've managed internal cross-functional teams with external suppliers. I've rebranded old brands and helped develop some new ones. I've worked with organizations to help them better communicate with employees, customers, clients, constituents, stakeholders, investors, suppliers and prospects.

I consider my professional experience to be deep and diverse but one element of my career that has been constant is my ability to successfully manage relationships.

Please meander the site and explore what I have done and what I can do. I also suggest you read some of my ramblings and subscribe to my blog. I would enjoy the opportunity to help you and your organization impact relationships and better position yourselves to make the most of your marketing dollar. I'm open to freelance project opportunities but if the position is a great fit, I'm also interested in becoming a full time hire.

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