Drew Overbeck. Marketing Maverick.

Drew Overbeck. Marketing Maverick.

Why did you navigate through or type in my URL? Presumably you are here to learn about me. Who is this Drew Overbeck? What kind of experience does he have? Where has he worked and what kind of work has he delivered? My hope is that you will get the answers to those questions and more. The purpose of the site is to show project samples and demonstrate my capabilities as a freelancer here in Cincinnati, but also to communicate some of my philosophy. The site will also serve as a vehicle for me to publish my thoughts and perspective on marketing and other passions like family and music. Enjoy your stay and perhaps we'll have an opportunity to meet in person or maybe even work together. In the meantime, treat others as you wish to be treated and live for today because none of us know if we'll even see tomorrow.

Drew Overbeck

Drew Overbeck. Marketing Maverick.
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